The Monitor certifies that the remaining matters in the CCAA proceedings have been completed, and that the CCAA Proceedings are terminated as at the date of this CCAA Termination Certificate.
CCAA Termination Certificate
December 24, 2024 |
List of Non-Employee Creditors with Uncashed Distributions
Liste de distributions non-encaissées
November 10, 2023 |
Dissolution Certificate |
June 8, 2022 |
Dissolution Confirmation Certificate filed in the Court record by the Monitor in respect of Bloom Lake Railway Company Limited and Wabush Lake Railway Company Limited in accordance with paragraph 49 of the Sanction Order dated June 29, 2018 along with a copy of the dissolution certificate.
Act of Representation |
September 2, 2021 |
Dissolution Certificate
Exhibit A - Dissolution Confirmation Certificate
| November 25, 2019 |
Dissolution Confirmation Certificate filed in the Court record by the Monitor in respect of 8568391 Canada Limited in accordance with paragraph 49 of the Sanction Order dated June 29, 2018 along with a copy of the dissolution certificate.
Decision |
June 3, 2019 |
April 17, 2018, decision by the Tribunal Administratif du Québec concerning section 65 of the Québec Municipal Taxation Act
Declaration of Intervention |
June 3, 2019 |
Declaration of Intervention by the Commission Scolaire du Fer (Appeal before the Court of Québec - April 17, 2018, decision by the Tribunal Administratif du Québec)
Reply Factum |
June 3, 2019 |
Reply Factum by the Union des Municipalités du Québec (Appeal before the Court of Québec - April 17, 2018, decision by the Tribunal Administratif du Québec)
Volume 1 - Mémoire de l'intimée, Ville de Fermont
Volume 2 - Mémoire de l'intimée, Ville de Fermont
| April 17, 2018 |
Reply Factum by the City of Fermont (Appeal before the Court of Québec - April 17, 2018, decision by the Tribunal Administratif du Québec
Notice to Creditors |
January 30, 2015 |
Statutory Notice to Creditors re Initial Order
Avis aux Creanciers |
January 30, 2015 |
Avis aux créanciers sur l’ Ordonnance Initiale
CCAA Parties List of Known Creditors |
January 27, 2015 |
Letter to Suppliers |
January 27, 2015 |
Bulletin Spécial à L’intention des Fournisseurs |
January 27, 2015 |
Wabush Mines - Other Documents & Notices
List of Non-Employee Creditors with Uncashed Distributions
Liste de distributions non-encaissées
November 10, 2023 |
Notice to Former Employees Regarding 2021 Tax Slips
Reference is made to the Second interim distribution made on or around May 17, 2021 (the "Second Interim Distribution"), pursuant to the Amended and Restated Joint Plan of Compromise and Arrangement dated May 16, 2018 (as modified from time to time, the "Plan") that was sanctioned by Order of Mr. Justice Hamilton of the Québec Superior Court on June 29, 2018. Capitalized terms used in this notice not otherwise defined are as defined in the Plan, a copy of which is available on the Monitor's website at: FTI Consulting - Bloomlake
Former employees who received the Second Interim Distribution will be sent by mail in February 2022 the relevant tax (slip)s by the Monitor on behalf of the participating CCAA Parties. If source deductions were required by Service Canada, any applicable slips related to those withholdings will be issued by Service Canada directly.
Should you have any questions regarding the foregoing, please do not hesitate to contact the Monitor at:
Avis aux anciens employés concernant les relevés d’impôt 2021
Le présent avis a trait à la deuxième distribution intérimaire qui a eu lieu le ou vers le 17 mai 2021 (la « Deuxième distribution intérimaire ») en vertu du Plan de transaction et d’arrangement conjoint modifié et mis à jour du 16 mai 2018 (tel qu’amendé périodiquement, le « Plan ») homologué aux termes de l’ordonnance rendue le 29 juin 2018 par l’Honorable juge Hamilton de la Cour supérieure du Québec. Les termes portant la majuscule initiale utilisés dans cet avis sans y être autrement définis ont le sens qui leur est attribué dans le Plan, dont copie (incluant une traduction française non officielle) est disponible sur le site web du Contrôleur à l’adresse suivante:
FTI Consulting - Bloomlake
Les anciens employés ayant reçu des sommes dans le cadre de la Deuxième distribution intérimaire recevront par la poste les relevés d’impôts applicables de la part du Contrôleur agissant pour le compte des Parties LACC Participantes. Dans la mesure où des retenues à la source étaient requises par Service Canada, vous recevrez les relevés applicables directement de la part de Service Canada.
Si vous avez des questions à l’égard de ce qui précède, vous pouvez communiquer avec nous aux adresses suivantes :
| January 26, 2022 |
Notice to Former Employees Regarding 2018 Tax Slips
Reference is made to the first interim distribution made on or around September 4, 2018 (the "First Interim Distribution"), pursuant to the Amended and Restated Joint Plan of Compromise and Arrangement dated May 16, 2018 (as modified from time to time, the "Plan") that was sanctioned by Order of Mr. Justice Hamilton of the Québec Superior Court on June 29, 2018. Capitalized terms used in this notice not otherwise defined are as defined in the Plan, a copy of which is available on the Monitor's website at:
FTI Consulting - Bloomlake
In February of 2019, the Monitor, on behalf of the Participating CCAA Parties, mailed to former employees the applicable 2018 tax slips in respect of the First Interim Distribution. Those 2018 tax slips were prepared in accordance with the methodology that had been confirmed in advance by Canada Revenue Agency ("CRA") and Revenu Québec ("RQ"), as applicable. However, CRA and RQ have now confirmed that a different methodology should be used for the reporting of distributions on account of certain aspects of the claims of former employees. As a result, it became necessary to amend or cancel some, but not all, of the 2018 tax slips.
Former employees will be notified by letter, to be sent on or around April 18, 2019, whether their tax slip(s) have been cancelled, amended or that no change is required. Copies of cancelled or amended tax slip(s) will be enclosed with the letter. CRA and, where applicable, RQ have confirmed that amounts shown on 2018 tax slip(s) that have been cancelled need not be reported on your tax return(s).
If you receive amended or cancelled tax slip(s) and have already filed your tax return(s) for 2018 using the previously issued tax slip(s), you may file amended return(s). Information regarding the filing of amended returns is available from your tax advisor or online at the following:
Avis aux anciens employés concernant les relevés d’impôt 2018
Le présent avis a trait à la première distribution intérimaire qui a eu lieu le ou vers le 4 septembre 2018 (la « Première distribution intérimaire ») en vertu du Plan de transaction et d’arrangement conjoint modifié et mis à jour du 16 mai 2018 (tel qu’amendé périodiquement, le « Plan ») homologué aux termes de l’ordonnance rendue le 29 juin 2018 par l’Honorable juge Hamilton de la Cour supérieure du Québec. Les termes portant la majuscule initiale utilisés dans cet avis sans y être autrement définis ont le sens qui leur est attribué dans le Plan, dont copie (incluant une traduction française non officielle) est disponible sur le site web du Contrôleur à l’adresse suivante:
FTI Consulting - Bloomlake
En février 2019, le Contrôleur, agissant au nom des Parties LACC participantes, a transmis par la poste aux anciens employés les relevés d’impôt applicables pour l’année 2018 relativement à la Première distribution intérimaire. Ces relevés ont été préparés conformément à la méthodologie qui avait été préalablement validée auprès de l’Agence du Revenu du Canada (« ARC ») et, lorsqu’applicable, Revenu Québec (« RQ »). Or, l’ARC et RQ ont depuis confirmé qu’une méthodologie différente devait être utilisée quant aux distributions payées sur la base de certaines composantes des réclamations des anciens employés. Il en résulte que certains des relevés d’impôt préalablement émis doivent être amendés ou annulés, bien que tous ne soient pas affectés.
Les anciens employés seront informés du sort de leur(s) relevé(s) d’impôt par le biais de lettres à être postées le ou vers le 18 avril 2019, lesquelles indiqueront, pour chaque ancien employé, si les relevés préalablement émis sont annulés, amendés ou encore si aucun changement n’est requis. Des copies des relevés d’impôt annulés ou amendés seront également incluses. L’ARC et, lorsque pertinent, RQ ont confirmé que les montants figurant sur les relevés d’impôt 2018 qui ont été annulés n’ont pas à être rapportés à même vos déclarations de revenus.
Si vous recevez un ou des relevé(s) d’impôt amendé(s) ou annulé(s) et que vous avez déjà transmis une déclaration de revenus sur la base des relevés initialement émis, vous pouvez soumettre une déclaration de revenus modifiée. Des informations à ce sujet peuvent être obtenues auprès de votre conseiller fiscal ou en ligne en utilisant les hyperliens ci-dessous:
Pour l’ARC
Pour RQ
| April 12, 2019 |
Avis : Affichage final : Mines Wabush, Loi sur l’équité salariale |
October,05 2018 |
Avis de deuxième affichage: Loi sur l’équité salariale |
May 23, 2018 |
Avis: deuxième affichage, Mines Wabush, Loi sur l’équité salariale
Annexe Equite Salariale
May 22, 2018 |
Notice of Constitutional Question by the City of Sept-Iles |
February 27, 2018 |
Notice of Constitutional Question by the City of Sept-Iles / Avis de question constitutionnelle par la Ville de Sept-Iles.
Notice of Appeal by the City of Sept-Iles |
February 27, 2018 |
Notice of Appeal to the Supreme Court by the City of Sept-Iles / Avis d’appel à la Cour suprême par la Ville de Sept-Iles.
Notice of Appeal by the Monitor |
February 27, 2018 |
Notice of Appeal to the Supreme Court by the Monitor / Avis d’appel à la Cour suprême par le Contrôleur.
Opinion of the Newfoundland and Labrador Court of Appeal in the Matter of the Reference on Section 32 of the Pension Benefits Act, 1997 |
January 15, 2018 |
Supplementary Submissions of Representative Counsel
Tab 1 - Cited Authorities in Support of Supplementary Submissions of Representative Counsel
| October 10, 2017 |
Supplementary Submissions of Representative Counsel.
Supplementary Factum of the Attorney General of NL
Tab 1 - Davies Ward, Carswell's Pension Manual
Tab 2 - Lynch v St Johns (City)
Tab 3 - Canada (Attorney General) v Confederation Life Insurance Co
Tab 4 - Ari Kaplan and Mitche Frazer, Pension Law, 2nd Ed
Tab 5 - Personal Property Security Act R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.10
Tab 6 - Marnie MK Whitaker et al. Estate Trusts and Pensions Journal
Tab 8 - Ivaco Inc Re
Tab 9 - General Chemical Canada Ltd Re
| October 10, 2017 |
Supplementary Factum of the Attorney General of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Factum of the AG of Newfoundland and Labrador
Tab 1 - Re References by the Governor-General in Council
Tab 2 - Manitoba Education Reference
Tab 3 - Patriation reference Re Resolution to amend the Constitution
Tab 4 - Reference Re Upper Churchill Water Rights Reversion Act
Tab 5 - Re Criminal Code
Tab 6 - Reference re Canada Assistance Plan
Tab 7 - Renvoi relative á la réglemntation pancanadienne des valeurs mob
Tab 8 - Reference re Effect And Validity of Amendments to the Constitution
Tab 9 - The Newfoundland Judicature Act
| September 07, 2017 |
Factum of the Attorney General of Newfoundland and Labrador / Factum du Procureur-général de Terre-Neuve et Labrador.
Notice of Appeal | Déclaration d’appel
Application for Leave to Appeal | Demande pour permission d’appeler
| September 07, 2017 |
Ville de Fermont Déclaration d’appel (Articles 13 et 14 de la Loi sur les arrangements avec les créanciers des compagnies ainsi que les articles 352 et 357 C.p.c.) and Demande pour permission d’appeler d’un jugement rendu en matière de plan d’arrangement (Articles 13 et 14 de la Loi sur les arrangements avec les créanciers des compagnies ainsi que les articles 30 al.2 et 357 C.p.c.).
Notice of Appearance
| September 07, 2017 |
Notice of Appearance on behalf of the CCAA Parties before the Court of Appeal / Acte de Représentation au nom des Parties LACC devant la Cour d’appel.
Factum of Morneau Shepell
| August 23, 2017 |
Factum of Morneau Shepell in its capacity as Replacement Pension Plan Administrator / Factum de Morneau Shepell en sa qualité d'Administrateur de Remplacement du Régime de Retraite.
Factum of the CCAA Parties
Tab 1 - Arrangement relatif à Bloom Lake
Tab 2 - Constitutional Law Canada (Hogg)
Tab 3 - Churchill Falls
Tab 4 - Reference by the Governor in Council
| August 23, 2017 |
Factum of the CCAA Parties and support thereon in the Matter of Section 13 of the Judicature Act and Section 32 of the Pension Benefits Act, Newfoundland and Labrador Court of Appeal, 2017 01H 0029.
Attorney General of Canada (OSFI)
| August 22, 2017 |
Factum of the Attorney General of Canada (OSFI) in the Matter of Section 13 of the Judicature Act and Section 32 of the Pension Benefits Act, Newfoundland and Labrador Court of Appeal, 2017 01H 0029.
Factum of City of Sept-Iles
| August 22, 2017 |
Factum of the Ville de Sept-Iles in the Matter of Section 13 of the Judicature Act and Section 32 of the Pension Benefits Act, Newfoundland and Labrador Court of Appeal, 2017 01H 0029.
Factum of the Attorney General of Quebec and Retraite Quebec
Tab 1
Tab 2
Tab 3
Tab 4
Tab 5
Tab 6
Tab 7
| August 17, 2017 |
Factum of the Attorney General of Quebec and Retraite Quebec and support thereon in the Matter of Section 13 of the Judicature Act and Section 32 of the Pension Benefits Act, Newfoundland and Labrador Court of Appeal, 2017 01H 0029.
Factum of the Monitor
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 1
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 2
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 3
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 4
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 5
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 6-1
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 6-2
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 7
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 8
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 9
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 10
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 11
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 12
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 13
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 14
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 15
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 16
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 17
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 18
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 19
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 20
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 21
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 22
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 23
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 24
Factum of the Monitor - Tab 25
| August 15, 2017 |
Factum of the Monitor and support thereon in the Matter of Section 32 of the Pension Benefits Act, Newfoundland and Labrador Court of Appeal, 2017 01H 0029.
Notice dated August 7, 2017 from the Registry of the Newfoundland and Labrador Court of Appeal (Statement of Facts)
| Aug 07, 2017 |
Appendix A
Appendix B
| July 31, 2017 |
Factum of Representative Counsel dated July 31, 2017
Application Of The Attorney General of Newfoundland And Labrador Dated June 29, 2017 (Evidentiary Record)
| June 29, 2017 |
Statement of Facts
Exhibit - Salaried DB Plan
Exhibit - 1986 Memorandum of Agreement
Exhibit - CAPSA Agreement
Exhibit - Order granting to suspend the payment of certain pension amortization payments and post-retirement employee benefits and other related matters
| June 27, 2017 |
Statement of Facts Dated July 27, 2017 Together With Supporting Exhibits
Factum of the Superintendent of Pensions of Newfoundland & Labrador dated June 26, 2017
Authorities in support of the Factum of the Superintendent of Pensions of Newfoundland & Labrador dated June 26, 2017
| June 26, 2017 |
June 9, 2017 Amended Timetable With Respect To Reference Before The Newfoundland and Labrador Court of Appeal
| June 9, 2017 |
June 9, 2017 Ruling of the Newfoundland and Labrador Court of Appeal on the Monitor's Application for Directions
| June 9, 2017 |
Letter from the Retraite Québec to the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador |
June 8, 2017 |
Letter from the Retraite Québec to the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador along with a list of the Material Retraite Québec intends to use at the hearing.
Letter Registrar
1. Motion for Directions Pension Matters
2. Amended Motion for Directions
3. Objection - Morneau Shepell
4. Objection - USW
5. Objection - Salaried Representatives
6. Objection - Superintendent Pensions
7. Order (01-30-2017)
8. Constitutional Law - Peter Hogg
9. Sam Levy & Associated Inc.
10. Borowski v Canada (Attorney General)
11. Churchill Falls
| June 1, 2017 |
Letter from the CCAA Parties to the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador along with a list of the Material the CCAA Parties intend to refer to during the hearing
Notice of Intervention |
May 30, 2017 |
Notice of Intervention from the Attorney General of Quebec and Retraite Quebec with respect to the proceedings with respect to the Reference proceeding (the "Reference") pursuant to the Order of Green CJNL, which order was granted on an ex parte basis on the 5th day of May 2017.
The Monitor's Notice of Intervention in respect of the Newfoundland Reference, filed May 15, 2017
The Monitor's Application in respect of the Newfoundland Reference, filed May 15, 2017
Affidavit of Nigel Meakin, sworn May 15, 2017, and filed in support of the Monitor's Application in respect of the Newfoundland Reference
May 29, 2017 |
Email Notice from Rolf Pritchard, Q.C., Director, Civil Division, Department of Justice and Public Safety, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
Appendix 1 - Orders in Council 2017-103 and 2017-137
Appendix 2 - Order from Chief Justice Green dated April 27, 2017
| May 12, 2017 |
Email Notice from Rolf Pritchard, Q.C., Director, Civil Division, Department of Justice and Public Safety, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador related to the Monitor's letter dated May 9, 2017 and its Amended Motion by the Monitor for Directions with Respect to Pension Claims
Letter to Counsel for the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
Schedule A
Schedule B
Schedule C
May 5th Order
May 9, 2017 |
Further to the "Amended Motion by the Monitor for Directions with Respect to Pension Claims" dated April 13, 2017, the letter below was sent to the legal counsel of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador regarding an Order issued by the Newfoundland & Labrador Court of Appeal dated May 5, 2017
Le statut de la vente éventuelle de la Mine Wabush (Scully) |
May 19, 2016 |
Status of the proposed sale of the Wabush Mine (Scully Mine) |
May 19, 2016 |
Wabush Pension Plan – New Plan Administrator Contact Information for Wabush Pension Plan Members / Régime de Retraite Wabush – Coordonnées du Nouvel Administrateur du Régime de Retraite pour les Membres du Régime de Retraite Wabush
The recently appointed, new Pension Plan Administrator, Morneau Shepell, has set up new information hotline phone numbers and email addresses to receive information requests from Wabush Pension Plan members (both bargaining unit and salaried). Members have the option of choosing the English or French language service. Members can now get in touch with Morneau Shepell through the methods outlined below.
Toll-Free Lines:
Wabush Salaried Members: 1-855-465-5266
Wabush Bargaining Members: 1-855-649-8648
Wabush Salaried -
Wabush Bargaining -
Le nouvel administrateur, récemment nommé, du Régime de Retraite, Morneau Shepell, a mis en place une ligne d’assistance téléphonique ainsi qu’une adresse courriel d’assistance afin de recevoir les demandes d’information des Membres du Régime de Retraite Wabush (tant pour les membres syndiqués que pour les membres salariés). Les membres peuvent opter pour le service en anglais ou en français. Les membres peuvent donc maintenant contacter Morneau Shepell par l’entremise des moyens de communication mentionnés ici-bas :
Ligne Sans Frais:
Membres Salariés Wabush: 1-855-465-5266
Membres Syndiqués Wabush: 1-855-649-8648
Adresse Courriel:
Membres Salariés Wabush
Membres Syndiqués Wabush -
| April 19, 2016 |
Notice to Pensioners |
May 29, 2015 |
Notice of the CCAA Proceedings to Retirees / Avis de procédures en vertu de la LACC aux employées retraitées.
Wabush CCAA Parties List of Known Creditors |
May 20, 2015 |
Wabush CCAA Parties List of Known Creditors