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The Cash Store Financial Services Inc. - Motion Materials

The following motion materials have been filed in the proceedings:

 Motion Record of the Monitor (Stay Extension) (Returnable October 22, 2024) October 16, 2024
 Factum of the Litigation Trustee (Stay Extension Motion Returnable on October 22, 2024) October 16, 2024
 Factum of the Monitor (Stay Extension) (Returnable March 27, 2024) March 25, 2024
 Motion Record of the Monitor (Stay Extension) (Returnable September 29, 2023) September 20, 2023
 Factum of the Litigation Trustee (Stay Extension Motion returnable on April 3, 2023) March 31, 2023
 Motion Record of the Monitor (Stay Extension) (Returnable April 3, 2023) March 23, 2023
 Motion Record of the Monitor (Stay Extension) (Returnable November 4, 2022) October 26, 2022
 Motion Record of the Monitor in connection with its motion to extend the stay of proceedings until November 18, 2021. The Twenty-Seventh Report of the Monitor is included in the Motion Record at Tab 2. November 9, 2020
 Motion Record of the Monitor in connection with its motion to extend the stay of proceedings until November 18, 2020. The Twenty-Sixth Report of the Monitor is included in the Motion Record at Tab 2November 06, 2019
 Motion Record of the Monitor in connection with its motion to extend the stay of proceedings until November 18, 2019. The Twenty-Fifth Report of the Monitor is included in the Motion Record at Tab 2November 09, 2018
 Motion Record of the Monitor in connection with its motion to extend the stay of proceedings until November 18, 2018. The Twenty-Fourth Report of the Monitor is included in the Motion Record at Tab 2November 07, 2017
 Motion Record of the Monitor dated November 7, 2016November 07, 2016
 Motion Record (Stay Extension)May 11, 2016
 Notice of Withdrawal of Motion (re: Transfer at Undervalue)December 18 2015
 Motion Record of the Applicants (Returnable December 21, 2015)December 11 2015
 Book of Authorities of the Applicants (Amended ASC Privilege Protocol)December 11 2015
 Factum of the ApplicantsDecember 11 2015
 Decision of RSJ Morawetz re: SanctionNovember 20, 2015
 Motion Record of the Monitor (Returnable November 19, 2015)November 16, 2015
 Motion Record of the Applicants (Plan Sanction Returnable November 19, 2015)November 13, 2015
Affidavit of Justine Erickson (sworn October 5, 2015)

 Part 1
 Part 2
October 5, 2015
Reply Factum of the Ad Hoc Committee of Secured Noteholders

 Part 1
 Part 2
October 2, 2015
 Reply Factum of the Ad Hoc Committee of Secured NoteholdersOctober 2, 2015
 Factum of KPMG LLP (Filing of Plan and Meeting Order Motion)September 29, 2015
 Book of Authorities of the Respondent KPMG LLP (Returnable September 30, 2015)September 29, 2015
 Factum of the Securities Plaintiffs (Representation and Notice Approval)September 28, 2015
 Factum of the ApplicantsSeptember 25, 2015
 Book of Authorities of the Applicants (Meetings Order) (Returnable September 30, 2015)September 25, 2015
 Motion Record (Seeking a Representation Order) (Directors and Officers Claim)September 23, 2015
 Motion Record- (Motion for Approval of a Notice of Settlement Approval Hearing)September 23, 2015
 Motion Record (Seeking a Representation Order( (Third Party Lenders Claim)September 23, 2015
 Motion Record (Notice Approval Hearing)September 23, 2015
 Motion Record (Meetings Order)(Returnable September 30, 2015)September 23, 2015
 Motion Record of the Applicants (Stay Extension returnable August 27, 2015)August 20, 2015
 Motion Record of the Monitor (Court-to-Court Communications Protocol)August 20, 2015
 Motion Record of the Applicants (Stay Extension Motion Returnable May 20, 2015)May 20, 2015
 Motion Record of the Applicants (Sale Approval Motion returnable April 9, 2015)April 2, 2015
 Motion Record of the Applicants (Extending the Stay of Proceedings)February 10, 2015
 Motion Record of the Applicants (easyfinancial Motion Returnable January 26, 2015)January 20, 2015
 Motion Record of the Applicants (Returnable November 21, 2014)November 18, 2014
 Motion Record of the Applicants (Alberta Securities Commission Potential Privilege Review)October 10, 2014
 Motion Record of the Applicants (Returnable October 15, 2014)October 8, 2014
 Book of Authorities (Responding to appeal by third party lenders ((TPLs))October 1, 2014
 CertificateOctober 1, 2014
 Factum (Responding to appeal by third party lenders ("TPLs"))October 1, 2014
 CertificateOctober 1, 2014
 Brief of Authorities of the DIP Lenders and Ad Hoc CommitteeOctober 1, 2014
 Compendium of the DIP Lenders and Ad Hoc CommitteeOctober 1, 2014
 Joint Factum of the DIP Lenders and Ad Hoc CommitteeOctober 1, 2014
 Motion Record of the CRO of the Applicants (returnable September 29, 2014)September 25, 2014
 Notice of Motion (Transfer at Undervalue)September 18, 2014
 Motion Record of the Moving Party Trimor Annuity Focus Limited Partnership #5 September 12, 2014
 Motion Record of the Moving Party 0678786 B.C. Ltd September 12, 2014
 Joint Factum of the DIP Lenders and the Ad Hoc CommitteeAugust 29, 2014
 Joint Responding Motion Record of the DIP Lenders and the Ad Hoc Committee August 29, 2014
 Joint Book of Authorities of the DIP Lenders and the Ad Hoc Committee August 29, 2014
 Brief of Authorities (Responding to Motion by Third Party Lenders 'TPL' for Leave to Appeal) August 29, 2014
 Factum (Responding to Motion by Third Party Lenders 'TPL' for Leave to Appeal) August 29, 2014
 Motion Record of Trimor Annuity Focus LP #5August 15, 2014
 Factum of Trimor Annuity Focus LP #5August 15, 2014
 Book of Authorities of Trimor Annuity Focus LP #5August 15, 2014
 Motion Record of the Applicants (Returnable August 7, 2014)August 5, 2014
 Brief of Authorities of the DIP Lenders and the AD HOC Committee August 5, 2014
 Joint Factum of DIP Lenders and Ad Hoc Committee (Returnable August 15, 2014) August 5, 2014
 Motion Record of the Applicants (returnable July 22, 2014) July 17, 2014
 Book of Authorities of the Applicants June 12, 2014
 Factum of the CRO of Cash Store June 12, 2014
 Motion Record of the CRO of the Applicants June 12, 2014
 Compendium of 0678786 B.C. Ltd (formerly the McCann Family Holding Corporation) June 10, 2014
 Reply Factum of T.Yeoman June 6, 2014
 Supplementary Book of Authorities (Cover and Index) June 6, 2014
 Supplementary Book of Authorities (Tabs 1-5) June 6, 2014
 Reply and Responding Book of Authorities of Trimor Annuity Focus LP #5 June 6, 2014
 Reply and Responding Factum of Trimor, returnable June 11, 2014 June 6, 2014
 Book of Authorities of 0678786 B.C. Ltd. (formerly the McCann Family Holding Corporation) June 3, 2014
 Factum of the DIP Lenders June 3, 2014
 Cross-Motion Record of DIP Lenders June 3, 2014
 Book of Authorities of DIP Lenders June 3, 2014
 Factum of 0678786 B.C. Ltd (formerly the McCann Family Holding Corporation) (re: Motion for Appointment) (returnable June 11, 2014) June 3, 2014
 Brief of Transcripts of 0678786 B.C. Ltd (formerly the McCann Family Holding Corporation) (re: Motion for Appointment) (returnable June 11, 2014) June 3, 2014
 Motion Record of the Moving Party 0678786 B C Ltd. June 3, 2014
 Brief of Transcripts of the Moving Party, 0678786 B.C. Ltd (formally the McCann Family Holding Corporation) June 2, 2014
Motion Record of Trimor, returnable June 11, 2014

 Volume 1 of 3
 Volume 2 of 3
 Volume 3 of 3
June 2, 2014
 Factum of Tim Yeoman motion (returnable June 11 2014) May 30, 2014
 Brief of Authorities of Timothy Yeoman (returnable June 11, 2014) May 30, 2014
Brief of Authorities, re: appointment of representative counsel for class action returnable June 11, 2014

 Brief of Authorities Cover & Index
 Tabs 1-4
 Tabs 5-8
 Tabs 9-11
 Tabs 12-15
 Tabs 16-22
 Tab 23
May 30, 2014
 Book of Authorities of 0678786 B.C. Ltd (formerly the McCann Family Holding Corporation) (returnable June 11, 2014) May 30, 2014
 Factum of 0678786 B.C. Ltd (formerly the McCann Family Holding Corporation) (returnable June 11, 2014) May 30, 2014
 Book of Authorities of Trimor (returnable June 11, 2014) May 30, 2014
 Trimor Factum (returnable June 11, 2014) May 30, 2014
 Responding Record May 22, 2014
 Notice of Motion of the DIP Lenders (returnable June 11, 2014) May 20, 2014
 Motion Record of Computershare Trust Company (returnable June 5, 2014) May 16, 2014
 Fresh and Amended Notice of Motion of 0678786 B.C. Ltd. (returnable June 11, 2014) May 15, 2014
 Motion Record of the Applicants re: BC Compliance Order (returnable May 16, 2014) May 15, 2014
 Motion Record of the Applicants May 15, 2014
 Fresh as Amended Notice of Motion (returnable June 11, 2014) May 14, 2014
 Factum of Trimor Annuity Focus Limited Partnership #5 (returnable May 13, 2014) May 13, 2014
 : Book of Authorities of Trimor Annuity Focus Limited Partnership #5 (returnable May 13, 2014) May 12, 2014
 Brief of Authorities of the DIP Lender May 12, 2014
 Memorandum of Fact and Law of the DIP Lender May 12, 2014
 Submissions of the Ad Hoc Committee of Cash Store Noteholders (returnable May 13, 2014) May 12, 2014
 Factum of the Chief Restructuring Officer of the Applicants May 11, 2014
 Book of Authorities of the Chief Restructuring Officer of the Applicants May 11, 2014
 Motion Record of the ApplicantsMay 9, 2014
 Motion Record of Timothy Yeoman May 9, 2014
Unsworn Supplementary Affidavit of Erin Armstrong

 Part 1
 Part 2
May 8, 2014
Supplementary Affidavit of Erin Armstrong (sworn May 8, 2014)

 Part 1
 Part 2
May 8, 2014
 Notice of Motion of 0678786 B.C. Ltd. (returnable May 13, 2014) May 7, 2014
 Motion Record of Trimor Annuity Focus LP #5 (returnable May 13, 2014) May 5, 2014
 Trimor Notice of Motion (returnable May 13, 2014) May 5, 2014
 Notice of Motion re: Administration Charge (returnable May 13, 2014) May 2, 2014
 Memorandum of Fact and Law of the DIP Lenders April 29, 2014
 Brief of Authorities of the DIP Lenders April 29, 2014
 Memorandum of Factum and Law April 29, 2014
 Affidavit of William E. Aziz (sworn April 27, 2014) April 27, 2014
 Affidavit of Don MacLean (sworn April 25, 2014) April 25, 2014
 Factum of the Respondent, 0678786 B.C. Ltd. April 25, 2014
 Brief of Transcripts of the Respondent, 0678786 B.C. Ltd. April 25, 2014
 Application Record of the Respondent, 0678786 B.C. Ltd. April 25, 2014
 Book of Authorities of the Respondent, 0678786 B.C. Ltd. April 25, 2014
 Affidavit of Patrick Riesterer (sworn April 16, 2014) April 16, 2014
 Affidavit of Patrick Riesterer (sworn April 14, 2014) April 14, 2014
 Endorsement April 15, 2014
 Book of Authorities of the Applicants April 13, 2014
 Factum of the Applicants April 13, 2014
 Application Record April 13, 2014
Tab 1: Notice of Application
Tab 2: Affidavit of Steve Carlstrom

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FTI Consulting
TD Waterhouse Tower
79 Wellington Street West
Suite 2010, P.O. Box 104
Toronto, Ontario M5K 1G8

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Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada
The Cash Store Financial Services Inc.