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Tacora - Motion Materials

The following motion materials have been filed in the proceedings:

 Revised Draft Approval and Reverse Vesting Order
 Revised Draft Approval and Reverse Vesting Order redline comparison to the version included at Tab 4 of the Motion Record of Tacora
 Revised Schedule "B" to the Subscription Agreement
 Revised Schedule "B" to the Subscription Agreement redline comparison to the version included at Exhibit "A" to the Affidavit of Heng Vuong sworn July 21, 2024
 Revised Draft Stay Extension, DIP, and Fees Approval Order
 Revised Draft Stay Extension, DIP, and Fees Approval Order redline comparison to the version included at Tab 5 of the Motion Record of Tacora
July 25, 2024
 Factum of the Monitor Re: Approval of Reports and Fees July 24, 2024
 Factum of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading PTE Ltd. Re: Sale Approval Motion (Returnable July 26, 2024)
 Book of Authorities of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading PTE Ltd. Re: Sale Approval Motion (Returnable July 26, 2024)
July 24, 2024
 Factum of the Applicant Re: Approval and Reverse Vesting Order and Stay Extension, DIP, and Fees Approval Order (returnable July 26, 2024) July 24, 2024
On this motion, Tacora is seeking the:
(1) Approval and Reverse Vesting Order in the form included at Tab 4 of the Motion Record, among other things:
a. approving the Subscription Agreement entered into between Tacora and the Investors;
b. approving the Transactions contemplated in the Subscription Agreement;
c. granting releases in favour of certain parties; and

(2) Stay Extension, DIP, and Fees Approval Order in the form included at Tab 5 of the Motion Record, among other things:
a. approving the Monitor's Reports and the activities of the Monitor referred to therein;
b. approving the fees of the Monitor and its counsel;
c. approving the Third Amended and Restated DIP Agreement entered into between Tacora and Cargill; and
d. extending the Stay Period to October 7, 2024.

 Motion Record of the Applicant Re: Approval and Reverse Vesting Order and Stay Extension, DIP and Fees Approval Order (Returnable July 26, 2024)
July 22, 2024
 Reply Factum of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading PTE Ltd. Re: Disclaimer and Global Process Motions (returnable June 26, 2024) June 25, 2024
 Responding Factum of the Applicant, Tacora Resources Inc. Re: Disclaimer Motion and Global Process Motion (Returnable June 26, 2024) June 24, 2024
 Addendum of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading PTE Ltd. Re: Reconstituted Preliminary Threshold Motion (returnable June 26, 2024) June 24, 2024
 Supplement to the Responding Factum of the Monitor Dated April 6, 2024 June 20, 2024
 Factum of the Applicant, Tacora Resources Inc. Re: Reconstituted Preliminary Threshold Motion (Returnable June 26, 2024)
 Supplementary Book of Authorities of the Applicant, Tacora Resources Inc. Re: Reconstituted Preliminary Threshold Motion (Returnable June 26, 2024)
June 20, 2024
 Factum of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading PTE Ltd. Re: Disclaimer Motion (Returnable June 26, 2024)
 Factum of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading PTE Ltd. Re: Global Process Motion (Returnable June 26, 2024)
 Book of Authorities of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading PTE Ltd. Re: Disclaimer Motion and Global Process Motion (Returnable June 26, 2024)
June 20, 2024
 Responding Record of the Applicant Re: Disclaimer Motion (Returnable June 26, 2024) June 14, 2024
 Motion Record of the Applicant Re: Preliminary Threshold Motion (Returnable June 26, 2024) June 12, 2024
 Motion Record of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading PTD Ltd. Re: Motion to Set Aside Disclaimer (Returnable June 26, 2024) June 11, 2024
 Motion Record of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading PTE Ltd. (Global Process Motion) Returnable June 26, 2024 June 11, 2024
 Reply Factum of the Applicant Re: Sales Process Motion (Returnable June 5, 2024) June 4, 2024
 Responding Factum of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading PTE Ltd. Re: Tacora Sales Process and Stay Extension Motion June 4, 2024
 Factum of the Applicant Re: Sales Process, KERP and Stay Extension Orders (Returnable June 5, 2024) June 3, 2024
 Notice of Motion of Cargill (Motion to Set Aside Disclaimer) May 31, 2024
 Notice of Motion of the Applicant (Returnable June 26, 2024)
 Motion Record of the Applicant Re: Sale Process and Stay Extension
May 31, 2024
 Aide Memoire of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading Pte Ltd. (Case Conference - May 24, 2024) May 24, 2024
 Aide Memoire of Tacora Resources Inc. May 21, 2024
 Factum of Applicant, Tacora Resources Inc. Re: Stay Extension and Amended DIP Agreement (Returnable April 25, 2024) April 24, 2024
 Aide Memoire of the Consortium of Noteholders (Re Amended DIP Motion)
 Responding Motion Record of the Consortium of Noteholders (Re Amended DIP Motion Returnable April 25, 2024)
April 24, 2024
 Factum of the Applicant, Tacora Resources Inc. Re: Stay Extension, Amended DIP and Claims Procedure Order Returnable April 23, 2024 April 22, 2024
Motion Record of the Applicant, Tacora Resources Inc. Regarding Stay Extension Order and Claims Procedure Order Returnable April 2023, 2024

 Motion Record of the Applicant, Tacora Resources Inc
April 21, 2024
 Book of Authorities of the Applicant, Tacora Resources Inc. RE: MFC Dispute April 15, 2024
 Reply Factum of the Applicant, Tacora Resources Inc. Re: MFC Dispute April 14, 2024
 Notice of Motion of the Monitor Re: Sealing Order and MFC Royalty Dispute
 Responding Factum of 1128349 B.C. Ltd. Re: MFC Dispute
April 12, 2024
 Joint Transcript Brief (MFC Dispute Returnable April 16, 2024) April 11, 2024
 Reply Factum of the Consortium Noteholder Group Re: Approval of Successful Bid April 9, 2024
 Reply Factum of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading PTE Ltd. Re: Threshold Motion and Cross-Motion
 Supplementary Factum of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading PTE Ltd.
April 9, 2024
 Reply Factum of the Applicant Re: Approval of Successful Bid April 9, 2024
 Factum of the Applicant, Tacora Resources Inc. (MFC Dispute Returnable April 16, 2024) April 8, 2024
 Responding Factum of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading PTE Ltd. Regarding: RVO Motion
 Book of Authorities of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading PTE Ltd; Responding Factum Re: RVO Motion
April 6, 2024
Factum of the Consortium Noteholders responding to Cargill's Preliminary Motion and Cross Motion

 Responding Factum of the Consortium Noteholder Group
 Book of Authorities of the Consortium Noteholder Group
April 6, 2024
 Responding Factum of the Monitor
 Responding Factum of the Applicant, Tacora Resources Inc. (Preliminary Threshold Motion)
 Responding Factum of the Applicant, Tacora Resources Inc. (Cross-Motion)
April 6, 2024
 Motion of the Monitor of the Applicant regarding a Sealing Order April 4, 2024
 Reply Motion Record of the Applicant, Tacora Resources Inc. (MFC Dispute Returnable April 16, 2024) April 2, 2024
 Responding Motion Record of 1128349 B.C. Ltd March 27, 2024
 Factum of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading PTE Ltd. Regarding Preliminary Threshold Motion
 Factum of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading PTE Ltd. Regarding Responding Cross Motion
 Book of Authorities of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading PTE Ltd. Regarding Responding Cross Motion
March 27, 2024
Factum of the Applicant, Tacora Resources Inc., regarding approval of successful bid (returnable April 10-12, 2024)

 Factum of the Applicant, Tacora Resources Inc.
March 27, 2024
Factum of the Consortium Noteholder Group in support of the motion brought by Tacora Resources Inc. for an Approval and Reverse Vesting Order (the "Sale Approval Order")

 Factum of the Consortium Noteholder Group
March 27, 2024
 Motion Record of the Applicant, Tacora Resources Inc. (MFC Dispute Returnable April 16, 2024) March 23, 2024
Responding to Tacora Motion for Extension of the Stay Period and Replacement of the DIP and Supporting Cargill Cross-Motion, returnable March 18, 2024.

 Book of Authorities of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading Pte Ltd
 Factum Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading Pte Ltd
March 17, 2024
 Written Submissions of the Consortium Noteholder Group (DIP Motion - March 18, 2024) March 17, 2024
 Factum of the Applicant Regarding the Second Amended and Restated Initial Order and A&L Premium Finance Agreement Approval Order (Returnable March 18, 2024) March 15, 2024
Motion Record of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading Pte Ltd. For Cargill's Responding Cross-Motion (Motion Returnable March 18, 2024)

 Motion Record of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading Pte Ltd.
March 14, 2024
 Reply Record of the Applicant (Approval and Reverse Vesting Order) March 14, 2024
Motion Record of the Applicant, Tacora Resources Inc., re a Second Amended and Restated Initial Order and A&L Premium Finance Agreement Approval Order

 Motion Record of Tacora Resources Inc.
March 11, 2024
Aide Memoire of Tacora Resources Inc. in connection with a dispute between Tacora and 1128349 B.C. Ltd. ("MFC").

 Aide Memoire of Tacora Resources Inc.
March 4, 2024
Responding motion record and motion record for the responding cross-motion of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading PTE Ltd.

 Motion Record Cargill
March 1, 2024
Aide Memoire of Cargill in connection with the case conference before Kimmel J. on February 9, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. (ET).

 Aide Memoire of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading Pte Ltd.
February 9, 2024
Aide Memoire of the Monitor in connection with the case conference before Kimmel J. on February 6, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. (ET).

 Aide Memoire of the Monitor
February 6, 2024
Aide Memoire of Cargill in connection with the case conference before Kimmel J. on February 6, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. (ET).

 Aide Memoire of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading Pte Ltd.
February 5, 2024
Motion Record of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Pte Ltd. (together, "Cargill") in support of Cargill's Preliminary Threshold Motion.

 Motion Record for Cargill's Preliminary Threshold Motion
February 5, 2024
Aide Memoire of the Consortium Noteholder Group in connection with the case conference before Kimmel J. on February 6, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. (ET).

 Aide Memoire of the Consortium Noteholder Group
February 5, 2024
Aide Memoire of Tacora Resources Inc. in connection with the case conference before Kimmel J. on February 6, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. (ET).

 Aide Memoire of Tacora Resources Inc.
February 5, 2024
Motion Record of the Applicant, Tacora Resources Inc., in support of its motion (the "Sale Approval Motion") seeking an Approval and Reverse Vesting Order.

 Motion Record of the Applicant (Approval and Reverse Vesting Order)
February 2, 2024
Motion record of the applicant re stay extension and approval of Premium Finance Agreement returnable January 24, 2024

 Motion Record of Tacora Resources Inc
January 17, 2024
Motion in relation to insurance premium financing agreements

 Motion Record of First Insurance Funding of Canada Inc.
November 16, 2023
Affidavit of Thomas Gray of Bennett Jones LLP, counsel to an ad-hoc group of holders, in the matter of a plan of compromise or an arrangement of Tacora Resources Inc.

 Affidavit of Thomas Gray (Sworn October 26, 2023)
October 26, 2023
Comeback Motion of Tacora Resources Inc. for an Amended and Restated Initial Order, and Cross-Motion of the Ad Hoc Group of Noteholders, returnable October 24, 2023

 Compendium of the Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading PTE Ltd.
October 24, 2023
 Reply Factum of the Applicant Regarding Comeback Motion Returnable October 24, 2023 October 23, 2023
 Reply Factum of the Ad Hoc Group of Noteholders October 23, 2023
Comeback Motion of Tacora Resources Inc. for an Amended and Restated Initial Order, and Cross-Motion of the Ad Hoc Group of Noteholders, returnable October 24, 2023

 Reply Factum of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading LTD.
 Book of Authorities of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading LTD.
October 23, 2023
Comeback Motion of Tacora Resources Inc. for an Amended and Restated Initial Order, and Cross-Motion of the Ad Hoc Group of Noteholders, returnable October 24, 2023

 Factum of Cargill, Incorporated and Cargill International Trading LTD.
October 22, 2023
 Factum of the Applicant Regarding the Comeback Hearing Returnable October 24, 2023 October 22, 2023
 Factum of the Applicant Regarding the AHG Cross-Motion Returnable October 24, 2023 October 22, 2023

 Factum of the Ad Hoc Group of Noteholders Returnable October 24, 2023
 Book of Authorities of the Ad Hoc Group of Noteholders
October 22, 2023
Cross-Motion for an Amended and Restated Initial Order ("ARIO"), among other things, approving DIP financing to be provided by the Ad-Hoc Group

 Motion Record of the Ad Hoc Group of Noteholders (Returnable October 24, 2023)
October 16, 2023
Supplementary application record in support of the proposed KERP and the Solicitation Process

 Supplementary Application Record
October 15, 2023
Motion for the issuance of an initial order in respect of Tacora Resources Inc. along with the factum of the applicant

 Application Record of Tacora Resources Inc
 Factum of the Applicant
October 10, 2023

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