Status Updates
Court Orders
Motion Materials
U.S. Chapter 15 Proceedings
Other Documents & Notices
Service List

Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited - Motion Materials

The following motion materials have been filed in the proceedings:

Motion Record of FTI Consulting Canada Inc., in Its Capacity As Monitor of Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited and Imperial Tobacco Company Limited (Motion for Claims Procedure Order and Meeting Order Returnable October 31, 2024)

 Motion Record of FTI Consulting Canada Inc.
October 17, 2024
Motion Record Of Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited And Imperial Tobacco Company Limited For Stay Extension Returnable March 25, 2024

 Motion Record of the Applicants
March 11, 2024
 Factum of ITCAN and ITCO dated September 22, 2023 in respect of the Stay Extension Hearing scheduled for September 27, 2023 September 22, 2023
 QCAP's Responding Affidavit regarding Imperial's Motion for a Stay Extension returnable September 27, 2023 September 14, 2023
Motion Record Of Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited And Imperial Tobacco Company Limited For Stay Extension Returnable September 27, 2023

 Motion Record of the Applicants
September 13, 2023
Reply Factum of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada on behalf of the Proposed Future Tobacco Harm Stakeholders

 Reply Factum
April 11, 2023
Factum and Abbreviated Book of Authorities of the Monitors, FTI Consulting Canada Inc., in its capacity as Monitor of Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited and Imperial Tobacco Company Limited; Deloitte Restructuring Inc., in its capacity as Monitor of JTI-Macdonald Corp.; and Ernst & Young Inc., in its capacity as Monitor of Rothmans, Benson & Hedges Inc., in connection to the motion for leave by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.

 Abbreviated Joint Book of Authorities
 Joint Factum - Monitors
April 6, 2023
Factum and Abbreviated Book of Authorities of the Heart and Stroke Foundatio of Canada on behalf of the Proposed Future Tobacco Harm Stakeholders.

 Abbreviated Book of Authorities
March 31, 2023
Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers' Marketing Board's submissions regarding Imperial's Motion for a Stay Extension returnable March 28, 2023.

 Submissions - Tobacco Board
March 23, 2023
QCAP's Responding Motion Record regarding Imperial's Motion for a Stay Extension returnable March 28, 2023.

 QCAP's Responding Motion Record
March 20, 2023
Motion Record Of Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited And Imperial Tobacco Company Limited For Stay Extension Returnable March 28, 2023

 Motion Record of the Applicants
March 17, 2023
Motion Record Of Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited And Imperial Tobacco Company Limited For Stay Extension Returnable September 28, 2022

 Motion Record of the Applicants
September 20, 2022
Motion Record of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada to seek an order providing the following relief:
(a) if necessary, abridging the time for service of this Notice of Motion and the Responding Motion Record and dispensing with service on any person other than those served;
(b) if necessary, leave to bring this Motion;
(c) appointing Tyr LLP as representative counsel for the Future Tobacco Harm Stakeholders (the "FTH Stakeholders"), as described in detail below, onterms set out in the proposed FTH Representation Order (the "Draft Order"); and
(d) such further and other relief as this Court may deem just.

 Motion Record of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
September 19, 2022
Motion Record Of Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited And Imperial Tobacco Company Limited authorizing the Applicants to post security as required by the Excise Act Amendments returnable July 11, 2022

 Motion Record of the Applicants
July 7, 2022
 Protocol for Motion by Zoom Video Conference March 10, 2022
Motion Record Of Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited And Imperial Tobacco Company Limited For Stay Extension Returnable March 22, 2022

 Motion Record of the Applicants
March 10, 2022
 Protocol for Motion by Zoom Video Conference September 17, 2021
Motion Record Of Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited And Imperial Tobacco Company Limited For Stay Extension Returnable September 27, 2021.

 Motion Record of the Applicants
September 17, 2021
Motion Record Of Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited And Imperial Tobacco Company Limited For Stay Extension Returnable March 30, 2021.

 Motion Record of the Applicants
March 19, 2021
 Protocol for Motion by Zoom Video Conference March 17, 2021
Phone number and meeting ID for the hearing to be held on September 29, 2020 at 10:00 AM Eastern Time.

 Public Hearing - Phone Line
September 25, 2020
Motion Record Of Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited And Imperial Tobacco Company Limited For Stay Extension Returnable September 29, 2020.

 Motion Record of the Applicants
September 21, 2020
Motion Record of ITCAN and ITCO for an order varying the stay of proceedings imposed by the Second Amended and Restated Initial Order dated March 12, 2019 (the "Initial Order"). The motion will be heard in writing and, pursuant to paragraph 63 of the Initial Order, is being brought on 7 days’ notice. If any party on the service list objects to either the relief being sought or to the motion being heard in writing, please advise the counsel to the Applicants, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP, by March 12, 2020.

 Motion Record of the Applicants
March 6, 2020
CourtCall has been enabled for the hearing on February 20, 2020 (audio only). The line will open at 10:00 AM. Each party that would like to appear remotely must register with CourtCall prior to the hearing. To register, contact CourtCall at (888) 882-6878 or (310) 342-0888. Please note that if you intend to appear via CourtCall, you will not be able to make submissions over the phone line.

 CourtCall Service Copy - Feb 20, 2020
February 19, 2020
 Motion Record of the Applicants returnable on February 20, 2020. February 13, 2020
Affidavit of Ronald Podolny in connection with the hearing on December 6, 2019 on behalf of Rochon Genova LLP, retained to act as counsel, in the CCAA and related proceedings, for the putative class members in Alberta, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, Ontario and British Columbia.

 Affidavit of Ronald Podolny
December 06, 2019
Draft Order sought by Ernst & Young Inc. in its capacity as court-appointed Monitor of Rothmans, Benson & Hedges Inc., Deloitte Restructuring Inc. in its capacity as court-appointed Monitor of JTI-Macdonald Corp. and FTI Consulting Canada Inc. in its capacity as court-appointed Monitor of Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited and Imperial Tobacco Company Limited in connection with the joint motion for advice and directions regarding the proposed appointment of representative counsel.

 Draft Rep Counsel Order
December 05, 2019
Factum and Book of Authorities of: (i) FTI Consulting Canada Inc. in its capacity as court-appointed Monitor of Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited and Imperial Tobacco Company Limited; (ii) Ernst & Young Inc. in its capacity as court-appointed Monitor for Rothmans Benson & Hedges Inc.; and (iii) Deloitte Restructuring Inc. in its capacity as court-appointed Monitor for JTI-Macdonald Corp., in connection with a joint motion for advice and directions regarding orders appointing representative counsel scheduled to be heard on December 6, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. at 330 University Ave, Toronto, Ontario. The Brief of Authorities is available for download at the following secure link:

Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP

 Book of Authorities
December 04, 2019
Court Call details for the hearing on December 6, 2019 (audio only). The line will open at 10:00 AM.

 Court Call Service Copy
December 04, 2019
Joint Notice Motion of Ernst & Young Inc. in its capacity as court-appointed Monitor of Rothmans, Benson & Hedges Inc., Deloitte Restructuring Inc. in its capacity as court-appointed Monitor of JTI-Macdonald Corp. and FTI Consulting Canada Inc. in its capacity as court-appointed Monitor of Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited and Imperial Tobacco Company Limited (the "Tobacco Monitors") for a joint motion for advice and directions regarding orders appointing representative counsel, which is scheduled to be heard on December 6, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. at 330 University Ave, Toronto, Ontario.

 Joint Notice of Motion of Tobacco Monitors
November 25, 2019
QCAPs' Factum and Book of Authorities in respect of the Stay Extension Hearing on October 2, 2019

 QCAPs Factum
 QCAPs Book of Authorities
September 30, 2019
Court call details for the court hearing to be held on October 2, 2019 (audio only). The line will open at 9:30 AM.

 Court Call details for Oct 2, 2019
September 30, 2019
QCAPs' Responding Motion Record in respect of the Stay Extension Hearing on October 2, 2019.

 QCAPs Responding Motion Record
September 25, 2019
Responding Motion Record and Factum of the Canadian Cancer Society for the motion returnable October 2, 2019

 Responding Motion Record of the Canadian Cancer Society
 Factum of the Canadian Cancer Society
 Brief of Authorities of the Canadian Cancer Society
September 24, 2019
 Motion Record of the Applicants returnable on October 2, 2019 September 23, 2019
Proposed Court-to-Court Communications Order. Any objections to this order can be emailed to Robin Schwill ( of Davies by the end of day on July 2, 2019. If no objections are received, then Davies will advise His Honour of that fact and the order will likely be simply signed and issued.

 Draft Order - Court to Court Communications
June 26, 2019
A revised draft stay extension order by the Applicants, and a blackline to the version included in the Applicants' motion record. Note that the Applicants will be seeking a stay extension until October 4, 2019 at the hearing on June 26, 2019.

 Blackline - Stay Extension Order (Imperial CCAA)
 Draft Stay Extension Order (Imperial CCAA)
June 25, 2019
Responding Factum and Book of Authorities of Her Majesty in Right of Alberta and Newfoundland and Labrador, in respect of the motion returnable June 26, 2019

 Responding BOA, Alberta and Newfoundland re June 26, 2019 Stay Extension
 Responding Memorandum of Argument, Alberta and Newfoundland re June 26, 2019 Stay Extension
June 25, 2019
The Book of Authorities of the Quebec Class Action Plaintiffs in respect of the motion returnable June 26, 2019

 Book of Authorities
June 25, 2019
A proposed Common Service List Protocol which will be presented at the scheduled hearing on June 26, 2019. Justice McEwen has indicated that the protocol meets with his approval subject to any concerns being raised by parties to the proceedings. It is Justice McEwen's intention to have a meeting in Chambers at 10:00 AM immediately prior to June 26th hearing and, at that time, any concerns relating to the draft protocol can be raised with him.

 Common Service Protocol
June 24, 2019
Motion Record and Book of Authorities of the Canadian Cancer Society for the stay extension motion returnable on June 26, 2019

 Responding Motion Record of Canadian Cancer Society - Motion for Stay
 Book of Authorities of the Canadian Cancer Society (Imperial Tobacco)
June 24, 2019
Quebec Class Action Plaintiff's Notice of Motion and Motion Record as well as its Factum, returnable June 26, 2019

 Motion Record
 QCAP Factum
June 21, 2019
Letter sent on behalf of the provinces of Alberta and Newfoundland & Labrador, the Consortium Provinces represented by Bennett Jones LLP, and the province of Quebec, regarding the stay extension period.

 Letter to Counsel
June 21, 2019
Factum and Book of Authorities of the Applicants dated June 20, 2019 for the Genstar Settlement Approval Motion returnable June 26, 2019

 Factum of the Applicants (Genstar Settlement Approval)
 Book of Authorities of the Applicants (Genstar Settlement Approval)
June 20, 2019
Motion Record of the Applicants for the Genstar settlement approval motion returnable on June 26, 2019

 Motion Record of ITCAN and ITCO for Genstar settlement approval
June 18, 2019
Motion materials of ITCAN and ITCO (the Applicants) for the stay extension motion returnable on June 26, 2019.

 Motion Record of ITCAN and ITCO
June 17, 2019
Letter sent on behalf of the Applicants in response to the letter from FFMP dated June 7, 2019.

 Letter response from ITCAN and ITCO to FFMP and QCAPs
June 13, 2019
Letter sent on behalf of the Quebec Class Action Plaintiffs ("QCAPs") requesting that the Applicants file their motion and materials in support of the stay extension motion scheduled for June 26, 2019 by no later than Friday, June 14, 2019.

 Letter from FFMP to ITCAN and ITCO
June 7, 2019
ITCAN and ITCO (the Applicants) and the Quebec Class Action Plaintiffs ("QCAPs") have agreed on the below form of order in relation to the QCAPs' motion for clarification of the Insurance Lift-Stay Order dated April 5, 2019.

 Insurance Settlement - Draft Order
May 31, 2019
Updated draft order that the Applicants will be seeking at the hearing on May 14, 2019, approving the form of notice of and the notice plan for the Settlement Approval Hearing for the settlement between Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited and Representatives of beneficiaries of the Genstar Plans.

 Blackline - Imperial CCAA - Notice Procedure Order
 Imperial Tobacco CCAA - Notice Procedure Order
May 13, 2019
Court Call instructions for hearing on May 14, 2019.

 Court Call - May 14, 2019
May 13, 2019
Letter sent on behalf of the Quebec Class Action Plaintiffs to Justice McEwen for the hearing on May 14, 2019.

 Letter sent to Justice McEwen
May 13, 2019
Protocol to facilitate communications between Justice McEwen and Mr. Winkler, in his capacity as the Court-appointed mediator.

 Communication Protocol
May 13, 2019
Order that ITCAN and ITCO (the Applicants) will be seeking at the hearing on May 14, 2019, approving the form of notice of and the notice plan for the Settlement Approval Hearing for the settlement between Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited and Representatives of beneficiaries of the Genstar Plans.

 Draft Order sought by the Applicants
May 10, 2019
Motion materials (including Factum, Book of Authorities, and Second Amended and Restated Initial Order) of ITCAN and ITCO (the Applicants) responding to the Motion of the Genstar US Pension Plan Beneficiaries returnable April 25 & 26, 2019

 Book of Authorities of the Applicants (Genstar Retirees Motion)
 Factum of the Applicants (Genstar Retirees Motion)
 Blackline - Imperial - First v Second Amended Initial Order
 Second Amended and Restated Initial Order
April 24, 2019
Correspondence sent to Justice McEwen on behalf of the Monitors in each of the Tobacco CCAA proceedings, providing an update on the status of matters that are resolved (or expected to be resolved), as well as those which are expected to proceed on an opposed basis at the hearing on April 25 & 26, 2019.

 Letter to The Honourable Mr. Justice McEwen
April 24, 2019
Motion materials of the Former Genstar U.S. Retiree Group Committee for the hearing on April 25, 2019

 Factum of Genstar Retirees for April 25, 2019
 Supplementary Motion Record for April 25, 2019
 Book of Authorities of Genstar Retirees for April 25, 2019
 Book of Representation Orders for April 25, 2019
April 23, 2019
Court Call details for the court hearing to be held on April 25 & 26, 2019

 Court Call details for April 25 & 26, 2019
April 23, 2019
Correspondence from Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario responding to the Notice of Constitutional Question raised by the Former Genstar U.S. Retiree Group Committee.

 Letter From Yashoda Ranganathan - April 23, 2019
April 23, 2019
Motion materials of ITCAN and ITCO (the Applicants) responding to the Motion of Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario.

 Factum of the Applicants (Response to Ontario Motion) dated April 23, 2019
 Book of Authorities of the Applicants (Response to Ontario Motion) dated April 23, 2019
April 23, 2019
Motion Record of the Class Action Plaintiffs returnable on April 25, 2019

 Motion Record on behalf of the Class Action Plaintiffs
April 18, 2019
Correspondence from Osler on behalf of Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited and Rothmans, Benson & Hedges Inc. to Justice McEwen and Justice Brian Riordan regarding relief sought by Quebec Class Action Plaintiffs in the "Motion to Approve Settlements Between the Class Action Plaintiffs and Certain Insurer's in Liquidation" returnable before the Honourable Justice Riordan in Montreal on a date to be scheduled.

 Motion To Approve Settlements Between The Class Action Plaintiffs and Certain Insurers In Liquidation
 Letter to Honourable Justice Riordan
 Letter to Honourable Justice McEwen
April 18, 2019
Motion materials of the Former Genstar U.S. Retiree Group Committee scheduled to be heard on April 25, 2019 for a Representation Order and Reinstatement of Benefits under the Genstar U.S. Plans.

 Motion Record of the Former Genstar U.S. Retiree Group Committee
 Book of Objections
April 17, 2019
Letter and supporting schedule provided by the Quebec Class Action Plaintiffs to Justice McEwen providing the status of the other class action proceedings against the Applicants.

 Status of Outstanding Class Actions against the three CCAA Applicants (other than the Quebec Class Actions)
 Letter to Justice McEwen
April 10, 2019
Notice of Constitutional Question of the Former Genstar U.S. Retiree Group Committee scheduled to be heard on April 25, 2019.

 Notice of Constitutional Question
April 9, 2019
Proposed Amended and Restated Initial Order as well as (i) blacklines to the version in the April 3rd, 2019 Compendium of ITCAN and ITCO (the Applicants) and (ii) blacklines to the original issued Initial Order from March 12, 2019.

 Proposed Amended and Restated Initial Order
 Comparison to Version in Compendium
 Comparison to Original Initial Order
April 4, 2019
Documents and cases which the Quebec Class Action Plaintiffs may be referring to at the Comeback Hearings scheduled for April 4-5, 2019.

 Exhibit 1731-1998-R
 Exhibit 1750.1-R
 Richtree Inc. Re (2005 ONSC-CL)
 2015 ONCA 360
April 3, 2019
Monitors' proposed Order of Proceedings at the hearing of the Comeback Motion on April 4-5, 2019

 Monitors' Proposed Order of Proceedings at the hearing of the Comeback Motion on April 4-5, 2019.
April 3, 2019
Compendium of ITCAN and ITCO (the Applicants) containing:

(i) The Original Initial Order in this matter made March 12, 2019
(ii) The Endorsement of Justice McEwen dated March 15, 2019
(iii) The Affidavit of Eric Thauvette sworn March 12, 2019 without exhibits
(iv) A Draft Amended and Restated Initial Order
(v) A blackline comparing the Original Initial Order to the Draft Amended and Restated Initial Order

 Compendium of ITCAN and ITCO (the Applicants)
April 3, 2019
Statement of position of counsel to Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Alberta and Newfoundland and Labrador, returnable at the hearing of the Comeback Motion on April 4-5.

 Statement of Position of counsel to Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Alberta and Newfoundland and Labrador
April 3, 2019
Filing materials for the hearing of the Comeback Motion on April 4-5, 2019.

 Factum of the Applicants
 Book of Authorities of the Applicants
April 3, 2019
Notice of Objection - Former Genstar U.S. Retiree Group regarding 1. Applicants' Motion for Stay Extension; and 2. Quebec Class Action Plaintiffs' Motion, which is returnable at the hearing of the Comeback Motion on April 4-5, 2019.

 Notice of Objection - Former Genstar U.S. Retiree Group
April 3, 2019
Responding Motion Record of ITCAN and ITCO (the Applicants), which is returnable at the hearing of the Comeback Motion on April 4-5, 2019.

 Responding Motion Record of ITCAN and ITCO (the Applicants) for the Comeback Hearing
April 2, 2019
Notice of Objection - Former Genstar U.S. Retiree Group, which is returnable at the hearing of the Comeback Motion on April 4-5, 2019.

 Notice of Objection - Former Genstar U.S. Retiree Group (April 1 2019)
April 1, 2019
Motion Record of Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario, which is returnable at the hearing of the Comeback Motion on April 4-5, 2019.

 Motion Record - Ontario
 Book of Authorities of the Ontario
 Factum of Ontario
March 29, 2019
Motion Record of ITCAN and ITCO (the Applicants) for the Stay Extension and Amendments to the Initial Order, returnable on April 4-5, 2019.

 Motion Record of ITCAN and ITCO (the Applicants)
March 29, 2019
Motion Record of the Quebec Class Action Plaintiffs for the Comeback Hearing, returnable on April 4-5, 2019

 Quebec Class Action Plaintiffs - Motion Record
 Combined Volume of Exhibits
 Book of Authorities of the Quebec Class Action Plaintiffs
 Factum of the Quebec Class Action Plaintiffs
March 28, 2019
Application Materials

 Application Record of ITCAN and ITCO - Volume 1
 Application Record of ITCAN and ITCO - Volume 2
 Initial Order Factum of ITCAN and ITCO
 Book of Authorities of ITCAN and ITCO
March 12, 2019

Contact FTI

FTI Consulting
TD South Tower
79 Wellington Street West
Suite 2010, P.O. Box 104
Toronto, Ontario M5K 1G8

Useful Links

FTI Consulting
Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada